
AR/Carbine Classes
AR/Carbine 101

This Firearms class is a fundamental class on the carbine/ AR rifle.
You will learn the safety rules, the nomenclature, how and why the rifle functions, how to field strip the rifle and clean it.
At the range you will learn basic shooting positions, aiming and safe handling.
This is a 100 round class. (Ammo is not included in the price.)
You will need a rifle, 2 magazines, eye protection and ear protection. Knee pads are optional.
We do have rifles for rent if needed.
Cost of the class is $150
Rifle rental $50
AR/Carbine 201

This class will start by reinforcing lessons learned in AR 101. The first shooting evolution will be a confirmation of Battle Sight Zero (BZO) of each rifle.
After BZO is confirmed the course will move to a brief remediation of basic shooting positions. From there, we will move to Static Turns – Left, Right, and 180 degrees. After static turns the class will progress to concealment, cover drills. From cover and concealment drills we will progress to tactical loads, reloads, stoppages, and malfunctions while engaging multiple targets.
The final evolution will be to translate all those learned skills into a fire and maneuver scenario incorporating paired shooting, malfunctions/stoppages/reloads with tactical communication.
Cost of the class $150